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How I lost My virginity

After being violently abducted off the streets, Sara Martinez is taken to a remote location, only to realize that her kidnapper is no stranger - she endures a torturous love story between a thug and his unwilling bride. Through the honest story of Sara and Loco, the film explores consent and why no one seems to have ever met a rapist before. In Loco’s opinion, this is a love story - a modern day Romeo and Juliet. In actuality, Sara is his Rosalind- not his Juliet.

It is our pleasure to speak to the director of How I lost My Virginity, Claire Chubbuck.

Tell us about the inspiration behind the making of How I lost my Virginity.

My best friend let me tell the story of her real life trauma, one that she was unable to speak about out loud until we embarked on this journey together. We made ‘this is how I lost my virginity’ as a living testament that one does not have to be destroyed by tragedy.

Why were these themes in your film important to you to work on?

It’s about a woman who is fighting not be a victim anymore, but to find power in her journey.

How does your film affect women in society and support them?

I ask you a return question - how are there so many women who identify as being sexually assaulted and so few men who identify as having sexually assaulted someone?

This film is my radio signal to those who are silently struggling.

What kind of impact would your film have in society and culture?

Through Sofia’s real story, I am trying to demonstrate a societal problem that I see, and no one seems to be talking about. There is a wider context to mismatches of perception around sex, and the role that has in the widespread epidemic of sexual assault.

People misinterpret and misunderstand, confusing things like being undesired by a one person as being undesirable - or politeness with consent - or silence with strength.

What is the message of your film and who is your targeted audience?

Speak your truth - without shame.

 I want to prevent that small voice inside your head from making you believe that strength comes from silence. Shame, guilt, and hopelessness come from silence.

Speaking up is courage. Speaking up is the strength. You can speak through art. Take your brokenness and insecurities and mold something beautiful with it.

Tell us about the most fascinating thing about the language of cinema for you.

It’s not just story telling, but rather a way to solve an issue that has gone on since the beginning of written history. It’s time to speak up, with the truth, without disguise. As we don’t want to feel humbled, blamed and shamed by the hurt we feel.

Talk to us about your next film project.

I worked with a group of actors to explore the dichotomy of beliefs and emotions that has sprung from the realities of pandemic. It is called ‘the Corona Viral Monologues’ - they wrote and acted their truths. I brought the stories together, linking all of our worlds in the stages of grieving, regardless of if you are trying to stop of spread… or the steal.

Trailer of How I lost My Virginity:

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